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Archiv 'Interesting things from all over the world'


Review: Impbox - Internet chat on Amigas (German)
Paweł 'juen' Nowak's Infinity Music Player (IMP3) also offers internet functions such as a chat with Discord connection or sharing files with other users. While IMP3 itself runs on any Amiga with at least 512 KB RAM and OS 2.0, Chat & Co. naturally have considerably higher requirements since network hardware and a TCP stack are still needed.

The "Impbox", a version of the Plipbox adapted to IMP3, which was introduced in August, corrects this problem: it enables the use of IMP's Internet functionality without requiring additional hardware or software. A user has documented his experiences with setting up and using the Impbox in a short report including a video. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 09. Oct. 2023, 23:57] [Comments: 0]
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Blog: "Vintage is the New Old" returns under new domain
In mid-July we reported on the discontinuation of the blog "Vintage is the New Old". This will continue to exist under the old address, new content will be offered from now on under new stuff and without the involvement of the previous operator at (dr)

[News message: 17. Sep. 2023, 05:47] [Comments: 2 - 20. Sep. 2023, 05:45]
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Mirandor (comments area)

Pop Art: Amiga pictures from Keith Haring found, sold via NFT auction
Keith Haring was a well-known member of the US Pop Art movement, who was gifted an Amiga by Timothy Leary, another famous artist, to design graphics for Leary's never completed computer version of the Science Fiction novel Neuromancer.

Learys Neuromancer project didn't go anywhere, but Haring used the Amiga anyway, apparently  - to create digital illustrations in his typical style. The Amiga disks containing his creations were found in Learys residue a decade ago, but only now they will be made available to the public: reports that NFTs for five of the images will be sold via an online auction - four of the images can be seen in artnet's article.

The auctioneer estimates the worth of the collection of Keith Haring NFTs to be around 1.65 million USD - 200,000 to 500,000 Dollar per image. A similar auction two years ago with Amiga pictures from Andy Warhol earned the auctioneer 3.4 Millionen Dollar. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 07. Sep. 2023, 22:44] [Comments: 0]
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