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Blog: Repairing an Amiga 1200 with an unusual problem
Andrew 'LinuxJedi' Hutchings describes in a recent blog entry how he repaired an Amiga 1200 whose motherboard worked for 15 minutes and then crashed with a black screen, sometimes paired with random noise. (dr)

[News message: 13. May. 2024, 22:04] [Comments: 0]
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Retropolis (Webseite)

Reverse Engineering: Dungeon crawler Bloodfest
In relation to games (software), reverse engineering is the process of analysing the code and content of the game in order to understand how it works ( reported). In this case, Petri Häkkinen, author of the dungeon crawler Bloodfest, had lost his own source code, which is why he downloaded his game, written in AMOS Professional, from Aminet and analysed it under the title link. (dr)

[News message: 11. May. 2024, 07:42] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4: Partitioning and formating the A1222 Plus SSD drive
Kevin 'ktadd' Taddeucci has purchased an A1222 Plus in addition to his existing AmigaOS 4 hardware (MicroA1, AmigaOne X1000). In a first article he reported on the various parts that are included in his complete system. Now he explains how to partition and format the SSD drive. (dr)

[News message: 09. May. 2024, 20:39] [Comments: 0]
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Video: Compilations of game music
The YouTube channel "RetroSpeedruns" has two videos for those who would like to indulge in the music of old Amiga gaming times: Another Amiga Music Compilation (1988-1994) offers, for example, Alien Breed, Apidya, The Chaos Engine or Jaguar XJ220, while Amiga Music Adventure Edition (1988-1995) includes music from Beneath A Steel Sky, Secret Of Monkey Island or Zak McKracken, among others. (dr)

[News message: 09. May. 2024, 09:23] [Comments: 0]
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Developer log: Amiga Isometric #4
Nivrig Games is working on porting an isometric arcade adventure game to the Amiga and is publishing developer diaries ( reported). After three further entries - Amiga Isometric #2, Amiga Isometric #3 and Amiga Isometric #3.5 - the ability to draw an isometrically sorted moving object - the player - in the game world and to perform some rudimentary test controls was achieved.

As the author explains, adding controller-based movements was easy, but adding other objects proved to be something of a grab bag. As this was ultimately successful, the first interactions could now be tested (YouTube video). (dr)

[News message: 09. May. 2024, 06:52] [Comments: 0]
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Preview video: Scorpion Engine port of "Street Fighter 1"
Mohammed Malik is in the process of using the Scorpion Engine to port the well-known beat'm up "Street Fighter 1" for the Amiga in a new and better way compared to the existing version. The target platform is an Amiga 500 with 512 Kb RAM. The author started work at the end of 2022 (YouTube video). In the current update, spark strikes, sound effects and the blocking of opponents were added, which, according to the developer, now makes the game feel more like a fighting game. (dr)

[News message: 09. May. 2024, 06:40] [Comments: 1 - 10. May. 2024, 12:51]
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