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eBund - Der Bund online

Exhibition: Control - Alt - Collect. Computer im Ruhestand
The exhibition "Contro-Alt-Collect. Computer im Ruhestand" (Computers in Retirement) has opened at June, 22nd 2001 in Bern, Switzerland at the Museum of Communication. Besides some computer rarities developed in Switzerland you can see computers from Commodore, Amiga, and Atari. You will find more details under the title link (german).

It is nice that you can see Amiga computers, too, but Amiga will not be in retirement so soon. :-) (jm)

[News message: 26. Jun. 2001, 14:20] [Comments: 0]
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H&P: Pictures of the meeting at the Benelux Amiga Show
There was an internal talk about the AmigaONE at the Benelux Amiga Show. Participants in the talk were Alan Redhouse, Martin Schüler, Michael Rock, Fleecy Moss, Ben Hermans, Hans-Jörg & Thomas Frieden and Jürgen Haage. Unfortunately it is not allowed to unvail any details. But there are some pictures of the meeting at the titlelink. (ps)

[News message: 25. Jun. 2001, 20:17] [Comments: 5 - 28. Jun. 2001, 15:58]
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Martin Schueler (E-Mail)

AmigaOne Board: Status Report by Martin Schueler
As promised on the BAS2001 (see First report) Martin Schueler has sent us a summary of the lecture about the AmigaOne board and technical details.


The lecture mainly was similar to the one already lectured on the WoA, but of course contained updated information regarding the time schedule. Important about this is that the beta test will close middle of September, which at the same time will mark the starting shot for the first line.

Moreover the new revision of the AmigaONE boards - plugged into an Eyetech tower - was shown. One was able to tangible ("forcibly") convince oneself of how sophisticated and solid even the mechanical solution was done, and that it is by no means some unstable kind of tinkering solution. But we deliberately used a board only quipped with PCI/AGP sockets, to prevent our electrostatic sensible testing boards from any possible damage.

Following the status report from which I took the answers on respective questions, on the show:

During production the first revision formed short cuts on several points of which some were irreparable. It was not possible to obviate the latter during production without knowing the problem in advance.

For the new revision we had changed the respective points, but also several other points, in a way that reduced production requirements. Furthermore we corrected mechanical reference measurements, which prevented the first revision from being precisely assembled inside the casing.

Also the non-technical problems were fixed and the testings efficiently proceed on schedule since June 8th. It is especially joyful that all of the testings (contrary to common expectations due to complexity) succeeded on the first go, which was finally a result of their carful preparation, too.

All significant testings on board level are already finished. The following testing work is limited to verification of the logic within WestBridge and NorthBridge and it's interaction with the standard components.

This is to talk about ca. 10% of those testings are done. But virtually this means that already 50% of the problematic and time critical points are covered. Nevertheless those succeeded on the first go. So schedule risks are more and more decreasing. Furthermore 100% of the problematic points are functional of which malfunction would mean total outage, in worst case.

I also added three pictures:

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The first one shows the rev2 board (equipped with PCI/AGP only) as it was presented on the show in Rotterdam. But the other one shows one of the equipped rev2 boards as these were used for the testings. All of the testings succeeded on the first go using the board in the picture. Third picture: The slots in this picture are simply put on, cause I think it looks much nicer if it is fully equipped :-).

For the rest the board will be tested as stand-alone for a very long time. The connection to the A1200 will be done at the very end.

Martin Schueler

[News message: 25. Jun. 2001, 18:21] [Comments: 0]
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Marvin Droogsma (E-Mail)

Events: More Pictures from the BAS 2001
Marvin Droogsma has sent us some more exclusive pictures of the BAS 2001. The photos were taken by Lejon Hamstra.

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[News message: 25. Jun. 2001, 16:06] [Comments: 0]
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Marvin Droogsma (E-Mail)

Events: BAS 2001 - Report form the organizers
The Benelux Amiga Show 2001 has ended..., we tasted a lot of welding while organization, but it was worth it cause more than 400 visitor mean a brilliant result to us. Only as number 400 visitors are not much, but in case of an Amiga only show in the Netherlands this is an encouraging number. Amiga still exists!

A short report from our point of view:

Very early in the morning, at 8:00 am, we started to set up the show. With three overloaded cars full of hardware and software, posters, beamers, audio equipment, and somewhere in between all that even the drivers, we took the first stuff to the show. Bjorn Lynne was already there and had put up at table on the first floor.

At about 10:00 am a quite normal dancing school was converted to an Amiga building....

The first visitors contacted already at 9:00 am (with well dressed hair and gem chewing). One or the other way it was announced that the show would start already at 10:00 am. We would like to apologize for this misinformation and we hope that waiting was less hard, cause of the good weather.

This was our first time to organize such a show; hopefully this was not too clear to see.... Anyway, we learned some things to do it better next time (?). Nevertheless most of what we organized succeeded very well, as we think.

10:00 am: Petro Tyschtschenko arrives, as usual in a good temper, also after little sleep (he has sat with Juergen Haage until 4:00 am and has had a few beers too much).

10:30 am: The participants of the LAN party are let in and guided to the first floor. Very much people are waiting outside, now. Might it be that we unnecessarily were in doubt about enough visitors?

11:00 am: The show begins! There are plenty, plenty, PLENTY OF PEOPLE! A heavy burden is taken from us....

I won't talk about everything in detail, now. That was already done by other people (for which we say thank you). Just a few things which attracted us in especially.....

In our opinion the presentation of by Eyetech and Escena were a bit too technical and might have been done more attractive, some how. The slides could have been done more interesting than it was actually done. However the presentation gave a good sight of what is being done and why. After the presentation people had the opportunity to consult Alan Redhouse and Martin Schueler for more information.

Fleecy Moss impressed us. His jokes and his enthusiasm are really great. A good exponent of the Amiga Spirit. Unfortunately he could attend the show for a short time, only.

Bjorn Lynne presented his music and sold his CD's on the first floor. According to what he told us, he sold more CD's than he expected. He was very satisfied and did a lot autographs. But the Dutch beers were a little to small to him...., the British are used to something different.....

Did anybody notice that there was a not announced ´special guest´? Bill Buck of VIScorp. He talked to many of the Amiga VIP's. Could that be of any meaning? Who knows..... (

Mr. Does of Vesalia and his wife were on the show, too.

Matay showed a first class product; who missed it ..., what a pity, what a pity.

There was another premiere, too (more about this later on); the first game (Asteroids look-a-like) for the AmigaDE by an unknown SDK user (I could not find the name).

Some of the VIP's whispered some nice news to the print magazine 'AmigaScene', which we will publish in the next issue (in cooperation with For example there are good news regarding Amiga OS4.

One small anecdote: On his train journey to Rotterdam Fleecy really was in dire need of a toilet, but nobody informed him that he was floundering waiting in front of a strictly and all-the-time closed toilet for staffers only, for minutes.... Poor Fleecy.

There were visitors from Norway, Germany, Poland, Belgium, France, England, and Spain (20 hours by car....!).

An editor of a Dutch TV station talked to Petro, Juergen, Alan, Fleecy, and many of the visitors about the Amiga and it's cult status. She was very impressed and will - like already announced - do a broadcast about Amiga only, after summer. She will talk to even more Amiga personalities. It is planned to take more shots in Germany, the Netherlands, and the U.S.A..

People from a Dutch radio station were also on the show and on the following Saturday a special broadcast about the show and anything to see there will be put to air.

Petro acted as a fairy of fortune at 4:00 pm and drew the winners of the lottery in which any visitor could take part. He twice drew visitors from Germany but which unfortunately already had left the show. Those missed among other things an Amiga poster with Bill McEwen's autograph on it, a number of Amiga CD's, a music CD by Bjorn Lynne, and a VIP diner.

Between 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm we closed the show. The show was followed by the VIP diner with 27 guests. These guests had the opportunity to talk to each other about the show and Amiga subjects, without ruffle or excitement in an easeful atmosphere. The VIP's were very excited about the multitude of visitors. This encourages them to go on developing.

About 11:00 pm it all was over. Petro and Juergen were picked with a long Mercedes and taken to the hotel, like super-stars. Then the rest of the people went home, too.

Still many pictures will follow by us - from the set-up to the after-party - and Juergen Haage promised to send us pictures from the secret VIP meeting at 11:00 am.

We would like to use this opportunity to heartily thank all of the visitors of the show. You really showed that the Amiga is alive and has good chances to return strong. We thank for reporting; the way Petra Struck supported us really rules!

More information, pictures, and links to other reports can be found at and of course on the BAS 2001 website.

A lot of greetings to the Amiga community
The organizers of the Benelux Amiga Show 2001

[News message: 25. Jun. 2001, 13:14] [Comments: 0]
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24.Jun.2001 (ANF)

Benelux Amiga Show: More Pictures
Under the title link more pictures of the Benelux Amiga Show were published. (sd)

[News message: 24. Jun. 2001, 10:53] [Comments: 0]
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Celso (ANF)

Events: AmiWest 2001 - News
From 27th to 29th July, 2001 the AmiWest 2001 show will take place in Sacramento, U.S.A.. According to the latest announcements there will be the following highlights:
  1. Presentation of the working AmigaOne with AmigaOS V4.0.
  2. Presentation of the current version of the AmigaDE, running on the Sharp Zaurus. Sharp Zaurus.
  3. Dr. Alan Havemose (formerly employee of Commodore, and Gateway) and Bill McEwen speak about: "Gateway and Amiga - what really happened".
Furthermore the press release reads, that the AmigaOne 1200 would be in progress from the end of July and available from the middle of August. But this remains subjunctive, since it will be official news only when Amiga Inc. or Eyetech do an announcement about. (sd)

[News message: 24. Jun. 2001, 10:53] [Comments: 0]
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Otto Dette (E-Mail)

Benelux Amiga Show: Report and Pictures by the AUC-HB
The Amiga User Club Bremen, AUC-HB, has send us an extended report and these nice pictures from the BAS 2001.

Report about the Benelux Amiga Show 2001 in Rotterdam, Netherlands

In the morning at 3:00 h four members from Nordenham, Leer, Langwedel, Bremen of the Amiga User Club Bremen met to travel to the show. After four hours of traveling by car we arrived in the Hammerstraat in northern Rotterdam.

We were hungry and wanted something to eat in a moment (Mc´D or some bakery). But unfortunately we had to realize, that hairdressers open their shops before the bread shops; not to talk about Mc´D, cause they open not before 9:00 am. After we finally found a baker, who pleased us with a marvelous breakfast, we went to the show which was supposed to begin on 10:00 am.

On 9:30 am Juergen Haage and Petry Tyschtschenko arrived by taxi. Since we know Mr. Haage and Petro in person we had a short talk. Mr. Haage and Petro then disappeared to join a meeting with Fleecy Moss, Alan Redhouse, and Ben Hermans.

On 11:00 am, one hour later than announced, the inlet started. The admission charge for visitors from outside was at the promised DM5. Our impression was that the organizers really took pain to build up the show. The show was arranged on two floors. There were enough seats and room for discussions.

At one booth we could have a look at an Amiga 4000D with the Prometheus PCI board by Matay, equipped with a Voodoo 3000 and running the game Heretic II. We were glowing by the display by this graphics board.

At the booth beside of this booth a PC with the AmigaSDK installed was running. We were impressed by this presentation, too. Moreover several Amigas from club-members were networked and a LAN party took place.

Petro opened the Amiga museum with a speech and then was helpful and councillor and his assistance was heavily enlisted; he handed out stickers and pins.

The show was attended very well and from 2:00 pm it was really filled, since the Scala presentation of the AmigaONE took place, done via screen by Alan Redhouse and Martin Schueler. They had a good projector and sound was well, so everyone could get it.

The strategy for AmigaONE and AmigaOS 4 to 5 was put across, but which was already known by us. During the break we had the opportunity to have a look at the AmigaONE board plugged into a V-Tower. We don't want to address the information we got from Martin Schueler, now. The board was shown working, but we can imagine it to able to be presented working, soon.

During the discussion with Fleecy Moss, Juergen Haage, Alan Redhouse, Ben Hermans, and Martin Schueler queries regarding the AmigaONE AND AmigaOS 4 - 5 could be done. This was richly done, and as we learned the organizer of the show is about to put those questions and answers online.

We took a lot of pictures on the show, but to edit all of them will take some time. We handed out to a first selection. Our video specialist Ralf has done a video of the show for our members.

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We met Mrs. and Mr. Does (Vesalia, German Amiga vendor) and Jens Schoenfeld (Individual Computer) and intensively talked. The show was a clear success to us not comparable with the last years' shows in Cologne and Neuss, since that was an Amiga only show. We felt to be part of a big community. From Mr. Haage we got the latest BoingBag for OS3.9 on a bank card sized CD. At 4:00 pm we went on our journey back home to Bremen.

Thanks to the organizers of the Benelux Amiga Show 2001 !!!

Amiga User Club Bremen (ps)

[News message: 24. Jun. 2001, 00:29] [Comments: 0]
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